Posts Tagged ‘sleeping with me’

Why I opened my own escort service

Tuesday, March 17th, 2009

I wish to thank Tracey for this blog post. She prompted me to blog about it.

She asked me, “Hey Michelle, How did you come to open your first escort business? What was your thought process behind it?”

So here is my answer to everyone…

I knew almost from the age of 8 or 9 that I wanted to own my own escort agency one day. I was too young to realize what it was all about, but a movie on TV got me hooked. I think it was more of a brothel type setting if memory serves me.

I didn’t remember my comment until a couple of years after I was no longer operating my 2nd agency, which was around 1997.

Fast forward from age 8 or 9 to 1988, I was sick & tired of going to the club & dancing, then going home with a guy (or bringing him home);  him sleeping with me & the next day he was GONE. No respect whatsoever, I was just being used for sex.

I started to get really pissed off at men & was even considering becoming a lesbian at that time LOL (nothing wrong with being gay, I’m just laughing because of how pissed off I was).

I had already found out what an escort agency was back in 1984 when I was 18 & looking for a job.

At that time I wasn’t prepared to become an escort, but once 1988 rolled around, I said “screw it”, I’m taking the plunge.

I was a VERY ambitious young woman who wanted to be very successful & make a TON of money, & I had always wanted to own my own business in the entertainment industry.

So I found an escort agency hiring in the local paper & got hired almost immediately.

I decided to quit my day job because there was no way I could work full time 9-5 & then work at night as an escort, it was just too much.

I tried being an escort, but within a month I realized I just wasn’t cut out to be one. It takes a very special person to be an escort.

While working at this escort service I would watch what was going on with the owners & support staff, & I realized they were mean people & a lot of the girls working as escorts weren’t being given a fair shot.

The hookerish types (usually girls who came from the streets or had a VERY LARGE mean streak) controlled the back room (meaning the girls) & intimidated them.

I have always had a soft spot for the underdog, so my heart went out to the escorts & I felt the desire to want to help them.

I also realized that an escort agency would technically be no different then running any other type of business & should be NO different then running a mainstream business (other then a few things here & there). I did find out later on it is a lot different then running a mainstream business, but I did merge the 2 concepts together.

In my head I was starting to mull this idea of opening up an escort service.

One of the drivers wanted to open his own escort agency, & asked me if I would do the phones for him.

I’m damm glad I went with my intuition & I turned him down. Something just didn’t seem right with him & later on he went on to try & close down my escort agency out of jealousy. I am not trying to brag, but other escort agencies often wanted to cut me out as their competition.

At the time I didn’t realize this driver wanted to pay me was peanuts, so all & all it was best I had turned him down.

Things didn’t go well with this escort service I was working with. As in typical escort industry fashion, 2 of the hookerish types didn’t like me standing up to them, so they eventually got me fired. LOL, yeh, can you believe getting fired from an escort agency of ALL things????

But like everything, everything happens for a reason.

From there I found another escort agency, & within 2-3 months I found someone to help train me on the phones & I opened my FIRST ever escort service. I was soooo EXCITED!!! I can still remember the feeling 🙂

As they say, “the rest is history“.

Of course I had to learn the hard way how to make the agency into a REAL business that was professional, ethical & run properly because there really was no such animal. I was the only escort agency that really cared about all aspects of running that business.

As you already know, I now help others to open their own professional ethical escort service.

So, I hope this gives you some insight into how I got into the escort industry & how I hope all you nice people out there help me in cleaning up the escort industry.

Thank you for listening 🙂

Exotic Publishing