Posts Tagged ‘repressed way of thinking’

Spitzer & CNN

Friday, June 25th, 2010

While I have no opinion on Spitzer hiring escorts as that’s his choice & it’s between him & his wife what he does in their relationship, what I DO have a problem with is society having one set of rules for escorts & escort services, and ANOTHER set of rules for people with money & power (political or otherwise).

Yes he was an ass making the escort industry laws even more egregious while he was in power all the while seeing escorts, but some people are just stupid asses. We can’t do anything about that, & clearly he felt he had to put on a show to society pretending to be someone he’s not, but then again, I heard that he was an ass to the escorts too, so back when I had my escort agency, I would NEVER have allowed him to see my girls if I knew he was treating them this way.

I am NOT signing this petition because I want Spitzer to go to jail, I’m signing it to make a point, that NO ONE should be charged for running an escort agency (service), working as an escort, OR seeing an escort. (Note: the petition is no longer there, but I got a copy from

What we do in our PRIVATE LIVES is OUR BUSINESS, not the government’s, not the court’s, NOT the police’s business.

It’s a joke that the government pretends religion has no sway in what laws the government comes up with. Come on, who’s kidding who here. You are forcing us ALL to play by your so called religious rules even though MANY religious people ALSO see escorts. Freedom of religion? What about freedom to have NO RELIGION?

You can’t REPRESS your sexuality, if you do, it will just come back to haunt you.

(when will they ever learn she says – while rolling her eyes in the air)

This archaic repressed way of thinking has got to STOP IN AMERICA! The only other countries soooo repressed when it comes to the escort industry are usually Arabic or Muslim countries!

So, America sits side by side with this controlling, judgmental, close minded way of thinking & it’s currently 2010!

We’ve come a long way people – NOT!

If you agree, please sign this petition to make a point.

Thank you

Exotic Publishing