Calling all customers, clients or hobbyists (sorry, just can NOT stand that term) who are looking for escorts who respect you as a client.
There is always positive and negative in anything, that’s just how the Universe runs, but we can call out to those lovely clients who don’t feel guilty for seeing escorts, because when a client feels ashamed, he then treats the girl like dirt.
Clients should always respect the escorts and their profession. If they don’t, they shouldn’t see escorts, period.
My clients (escorts) have read my book on “How to Become an Escort” and while that doesn’t guarantee anything, I hope it has made them become a better escort for it.
So what I am proposing, is that you join my free customer list. (read more on the next page)
I really want to play matchmaker, but you hold all the cards.
For your joining, you will receive a free report on what escorts really look for in a customer which should be very helpful in making your experience with the escort a fruitful one.
Thank you and enjoy!
Exotic Publishing