Archive for the ‘Companies who discriminate against adult companies’ Category

IBO Toolbox Discrimantion

Tuesday, June 19th, 2012

So this site had me singing their praises UNTIL they suspended my account with NO notice & discriminated against me & Exotic Publishing just because I’m in the adult industry. And just so you know, I belong to many other business social media sites & NONE of them discriminate against adult businesses.

I wasted my time listening to their webinar for an hour, was almost ready to promote them & this is how they treated me!

I believe the owner’s name is Paul Williams. Talk about Paul pretending to be a nice guy. This is NOT positive behavior.

Of course he will probably say I did something wrong (which I didn’t) & make up stories about how the adult industry spams, or scams or whatever, but all it is, are people who live in fear, don’t understand what they are talking about AND discriminate.

Coming from a black guy, that is saying a lot, but hey, people who have been persecuted sometimes persecute others!


Exotic Publishing


Complaint about Better Sex

Wednesday, April 13th, 2011

I just had a very negative experience with this company, so I feel others should know about it.

  1. First they don’t know how to run a business properly. I called & asked who was in charge of their affiliate program, was given a name, left a message & never heard back.
  2. Called again, must be making tons of money, they only work until 1:30 pm on Fridays.
  3. Called again asked to speak to a manager, left message, never heard back.
  4. Found they are associated with Sinclair Institute, filled out a form re: their wholesale opportunity, FINALLY heard back.

    They were clueless as to why or how I got the names of the people I did, as the first person isn’t even with their company anymore. Obviously their receptionist isn’t well trained.

    They didn’t explain why the manager didn’t call me back.

  5. Heather King came into the picture next & she isn’t even supposed to be running their affiliate program, but she said for now she is taking over. She seemed like a nice person, but then I had problems with her.
  6. She admitted they are changing their affiliate program & there are backend problems, so that’s NOT what I’m complaining about, so I want to be clear that I don’t complain about things I’m informed of.
  7. I did have to e-mail her when there were problems getting the banner code & one day it worked, another day it didn’t.
  8. I also asked her how to create a link that will go directly to certain products. She didn’t answer my question. I had to re-forward her the e-mail (fine e-mails get lost, but…)
  9. Since she’s clueless when it comes to the affiliate industry, she stated we don’t create custom banners for affiliates.

    I said:

    “I never asked for a personal banner. Not sure where you got that from.

    I forwarded the e-mail in question.

    Thank you


The next thing I know with no notice & no reason, she canceled my affiliate account & stated: “At this time, we cannot approve your affiliate signup request for Your application did not meet our criteria outlined in the Affiliate Terms and Conditions at”

I read it over & none of their reasons have anything to do with me. Not only that, this Heather King must have known what industry I’m in (escort industry) since she had been e-mailing back & forth with me & had approved my application right off the bat which had the disclosed URL of one of my sites in it.

There’s no nudity on my sites, etc. They are all professionally done.

She didn’t even have the courtesy to tell me why. A total lack of respect for people. This after she knew of all the problems I had had trying to sign up in the first place & all the time I wasted.

So after wasting almost a month of my time I’M PISSED at such immature behavior!!!! This company clearly has no clue what they are doing. I’m surprised they are still in business. I gave them 3 chances to prove themselves to me & they couldn’t.

Plus this is how terrible they treat their affiliates. I could have even been a customer, they have no clue if I was or wasn’t. Affiliates & people looking for these types of products, beware of how they treat people who try to do business with them.

Info on them:
Townsend Enterprises, Inc. (another name of their company)
Heather King
[email protected]
Ms. Peggy Oettinger, President
Ms. J. Kathryn Brummitt
402 Millstone Drive
Hillsborough, NC 27278
P: 919.732.6005
F: 919.732.5393

Susan Yeager Montani
VP Sales, Wholesale Operations
Sinclair Institute & Natural Contours USA
[email protected]

Lots of Jobs –

Saturday, June 6th, 2009

Lots of Jobs
[email protected]

Well people who aren’t very smart do tend to get themselves into trouble, & David from Lots of Jobs is just that in my opinion.

Here is what happened.

I found his site that allows companies to post ads searching for independent contractors or employees.

I tried to sign up to post some of my job openings for Exotic Publishing (yes, we hire real life staff – AMAZING, & we DON’T hire escorts, why would we???? We AREN’T an escort agency)

Anyway, this site kept saying that I was signing up as a job seeker instead of a company or employee, so I finally gave up & contacted them via their contact form. That was my first sign they didn’t know what they were doing.

I got no response, so a few weeks later I filled it out again asking them to PLEASE respond to their e-mails.

This is when I receive this RUDE judgmental e-mail which didn’t even have a subject line to it LOL. Just goes to show you how inept this guy really is. If you are a real online company, you should know that the subject line is one of THE most important areas you must address when writing e-mails.

Then he tells me he doesn’t post escort ads LOL WHO in the world ever said we were going to post escort ads????

He also said he didn’t want sales ads. Ummm, here we go again with sheer stupidity. Not ONCE did I give him any indication that we were planning on posting anything but an opening for a mainstream job.

Here is what he said… “We will answer the emails we want to answer, we don’t want escort jobs on our site, or product sales on our site, try Craiglist, thanks”

Well, you know what they say about assuming.

Job seekers, I’d be careful about searching on this site, you have a judgmental, ignorant, mean spirited person at the helm of it all. Think about the types of companies he allows to post on there.


Virtual Vocations

Wednesday, September 10th, 2008

Virtual Vocations
[email protected]

Virtual vocations provides a list of virtual work from home positions & being an online company, we have several of those we need to fill.

The customer service department asked me to forward our hiring ads to them & they would post our online positions, so I did. Here’s our open positions if you care to read them…

That is when I get an e-mail from Laura Spawn telling me that they won’t accept our ads because we are an adult site.

So once again, right wing religious fanatics decide to play god & make the choice of discriminating against honest ethical company by banning ALL adult sites.

They don’t trust their independent contractors enough to let THEM make the decision about whether they wish to apply for the positions, they are judge & jury & they decide what is best for the public.

Once again, people who don’t think other people have a brain in their heads to make their own decisions.

I wouldn’t want to be involved with control freaks like that.

Wednesday, August 6th, 2008

Design Quote wasted my time.

Nowhere on their site do they say a pseudo (I don’t consider this company to be an adult site through & through) can’t hire graphic web designers, yet they rejected my ad to hire a graphic web designer.

They are discriminatory & clearly right wing religious, otherwise they would let the graphic designer choose if they want to bid for the project, not be control freaks.

Nicholas Davidson from RepairBucket, LLC –

Sunday, April 20th, 2008

Nicholas Davidson
RepairBucket, LLC
[email protected]
This company is very unprofessional & borderline nasty.

I found them on a business networking site which is fairly new & since I don’t want to tarnish the networking site, I won’t mention it here, as I know the owner of it.

Anyway, I read one or two messages from this Nicholas person, was curious about this site they were building, & so I naturally went to it.

I saw their tagline “Helping neighbors make ends meet.” & decided that this would be a good idea since there are times I need help around the house for things,I’m new to my area, & if I wish to hire someone, I’d rather do it on a site other than Craigs List.

From the minute I signed up, I was given the 3rd degree from this Nicholas Davidson about what my company does.

What that has to do with me hiring a cleaning lady, esthetician, hairdresser, or computer techie for my computer is beyond me, but then I thought maybe he was suggesting I use his site to hire staff for my team as well. I thought he was just being curious & giving me ideas on how to use his site.

So I tell them I do many things, but my main company helps people in the escort industry, & maybe this would be a good place to find staff too since I wasn’t initially thinking along those lines since the site was really about people getting to know people in the neighborhood.

The next thing I know, I’m being told I’m not welcome by this judgmental close minded person who can’t even understand English properly.

He thinks I’m going to advertise an escort agency on his site.

I never said any such thing & never even implied it.

I don’t even own an escort agency, & if he had taken the time to actually read what I wrote instead of being ignorant, he would have realized my company had nothing to do with why I was signing up, but it seems he was out to get me from the getgo.

He has no signups, he should have been happy that I was his first signup.

I was very genuine, curious, & honored to help him start off his new site, & instead I get this negative condescending attitude. I don’t care if he wished me well, how I was treated was ridiculous.

Your choice if you want to deal with people like that.

Elance is discrimanatory

Monday, January 7th, 2008

Elance the bidding site that pretty much dominates the market discriminates against adult companies.

They don’t care that the company is probably more professional than the sole proprietors who hire independent contractors and then don’t pay them or even respond back, they just decided they wouldn’t allow me to connect to their freelance pool because I have a suedo adult site.

It’s not nice Elance, you didn’t have a problem years ago when I used you, you shouldn’t have a problem now. Mind you, years ago I had major problems with one logo designer, and a desktop publisher, so that’s not saying very much about Elance.

Direct Freelance – Discriminates against adult style companies

Saturday, September 29th, 2007

I signed up for Direct Freelance to find team members for my company –

I don’t hire escorts or any staff who do anything adult, these are ONLY support or business related team members.

I got into it with a jr. editor who responded to my hiring ad.

As are so many editors unfortunately, she was mean spirited, egotistical, immature & insecure. She’s not the first person like that I’ve coem into contact with, it seems the majority (not all) of the writing/editing industry is like that.

So like the immature person she was, she runs to rat on me telling them god knows what, & did they contact me first to communicate with me?

Nope, a lot of these bidding sites are run by control freaks.

I don’t know if it has to do with all the BS they have to go through or what.

Most if not all of them favour the freelancers (independent contractors), treat the companies like garbage without even hearing the company’s side of the story.

Freelancers are allowed to provoke companies, waste their time, etc. & when the company gets angry & voices their opinion, they are told they are the ones causing problems.

This has happened to me many many times with, but I won’t go into that right here, because I’m only talking about this bidding site, Direct Freelance.

So, they blocked all my ads saying they don’t allow porn. I told them I’m NOT hiring for porn, I’m hiring support staff & if they don’t allow that, then fine, I’ll post them on my blog. Not even an apology for making a mistake, they clearly needed no excuse to ban me for nothing & here I am contributing to the economy by hiring team members for Exotic Publishing.

Infusion CRM – Discrimination

Friday, September 21st, 2007

I was told by Larry Howlett from Infusion that they won’t allow me to use their service because they don’t like my site.

While I wasn’t sure I was interested in them, we had set up a demo of their product & I had to reschedule.

So, I basically wasted my time reading their site, responding to their e-mails, listening to their voice mail messages, etc., only to be pre-judged before even talking to anyone.

Maybe they should put on their site that they are a closed minded judgmental company who discriminates against any & all adult sites so I don’t waste my precious time.

Contrary to their belief, some adult companies do run a professional business here & our time is just as precious as theirs is.

Exotic Publishing